DIY Craft: Fire Breathing Paper Roll Dragon

One of the best ways to help encourage the development of motor skills in children is to have them practice cutting paper – simple!  Okay, as easy as cutting paper is for adults it definitely takes practice for children. Since practice makes perfect, let’s make that practice fun by turning it into a craft.

The fire breathing paper roll dragon craft is a favorite among children because not only is it a fun activity, it’s interactive!

Here’s everything you’ll need!

-       Toilet paper roll

-       Construction paper

-       Two medium pom poms

-       Two small pom poms

-       Two googly eyes

-       Red tissue paper

-       Yellow tissue paper

-       Orange tissue paper

-       Glue stick

-       Glue gun

-       Scissors (one set for you and maybe a more dull set for your little one)

First things first, you will need to fit your construction paper to the size of your roll.  Measure the construction paper and then have your little one cut the paper to fit.  

 Once the paper is sized, take your glue stick and glue the construction paper to the roll to cover all of the brown.

Next, take the glue gun and attach the googly eyes to the medium sized pom poms.  Take the medium sized pom poms with the googly eyes and glue them to one end of the role.  Glue the smaller pom poms to the opposite end.

You should now see the head and face of your dragon clearly taking shape!

Next, you’ll want to have your little one cut strips of the tissue paper.  Once your strips are cut, take the glue stick and line the inside of the tube at the end with the smaller pom poms.  Then attach your strips.

Once the glue dries, your dragon is ready for action!  If you put your mouth at the top of the tube and blow the tissue paper will sway just like fire!

Happy crafting!