Typical Ages for Milestones


This is a profound question when you become a parent. We’re told there’s a right time for everything but…WHEN?

When it comes to milestones, or monumental activities, when is the right time to introduce them to your child? If you let your four year old get their ears pierced…is it too early?  None of us want to be on the receiving end of those judgmental looks from the other parents.  

The truth is, there’s no hand book for parenting and there’s no scientific way to determine when the ideal age is to introduce a new activity or privilege. Plus, every kid is different.

But fortunately, there are some experts out there who have some tips that can help parents sniff out whether or not their child is actually ready.

Parents.com enlisted the help of Robin Goldstein, Ph.D. who authored The Parenting Bible.  She says there are definitely a few signs that indicate a there’s a green light for some privileges.

When your child can carry a sustained conversation and doesn’t feel shy speaking to adults, this is a good sign that a green light is on the horizon.  Before allowing this privilege, make sure you’re teaching your child phone etiquette and explaining why it is important to speak clearly.  

Typical green light age range: 5 – 7

This one is a pretty easy one because by the time your child turns 1, you should ditch the sippy cup for everything except for water.  The reason is simple.  Sipping sugary drinks throughout the day actually increases the risk of cavities, so you’re better off taking the sippy cup away and granting your little one non-breakable cups for meal times and when they’re thirsty.  

Green light age range: 1+

This is a true sign of being a big kid!  This is one where you want to watch your child for clues they’re not-so-subtly sending your way.  Think back to your sleepover days.  Do you remember hounding your parents to stay over a friend’s house?  That’s the first sign your child is ready.  This means, they’re probably not afraid of the dark and are probably comfortable telling other adults what they need.  The  most important part of this milestone is to make sure you’re equally as comfortable with it. You need to be willing to respond to a “come get me” call that happens late at night.  

Typical green light age range: 4-8


To learn more about other milestones and greenlight signals, click here to read the full article.